Product Quotation System (Automatic)

  • Select products to buy in sets *


    • Width:






    • Width:






    • Width:






    Flooring material:*

    Note: All conversions are in meters (m). Example Height 30cm = 0.3m . An asterisk (*) is required to enter parameters
    • Capacity:


    • Width:


    • Height of first step:


  • Your Name *


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    (*) Required Information

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  • Quantity

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  • Quantity

  • Quantity

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  • Additional requirements 1


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  • Table of Contents

    1. Stage Quick Quote - How does the assembled stands (automatic) work?
    2. Why running a stage quote - assembled stands (automatically) helps customers reduce risk?
    3. Compare the pros and cons of manual and automatic quotes
    4. Understand the parameters in the quotation of the stage and the stage automatically assembled
    5. Construction process - installation of stage and assembly stands at Hoang Sa Viet company

    Hoang Sa Viet Company is known as a reputable supplier of equipment for events such as sound systems, lighting, LED screens, event tents, event stages and aluminum alloy truss frames. Through the process of accumulating experience and developing strongly in the Vietnamese market, Hoang Sa Viet company has launched a very unique technology product "Quick quote stage - stage" for:

    • Young people want to learn about event equipment
    • Hotels and wedding restaurants want to install a stage—an event stand.
    • Event companies invest in stages to serve events.
    • Companies and businesses install stages to regularly organize events.
    • Entertainment companies, radio and television stations invest in stages for projects on entertainment programs, television programs,...

    Stage Quick Quote - How does the assembled stands (automatic) work?

    Quick quote for stage - assembly stands (automatic) built by a team of technicians of Hoang Sa Viet company, based on practical experience of Hoang Sa Viet company applying artificial intelligence technology (AI) deductive: Apply reasoning abilities to arrive at a conclusion.

    Sân khấu khán đài nhiều tầng
    Sân khấu khán đài nhiều tầng

    Based on the needs and purposes of use, customers will provide the quotation with the necessary information. From there, the computer will infer and select the data (database) from more than 10,000 previously loaded data points to pull out recommendations for customers. This is not only a solution to help people calculate quickly but also a full list of relevant items for customers to choose from.

    See more:

    1. Basic information to know about Mobile Assembly Stands
    2. Event stage rental service

    Why running a stage quote - assembled stands (automatically) helps customers reduce risk

    With the data that customers enter directly, the automatic quotation system will provide data, analyze and synthesize to offer the most suitable prices for customers. Therefore, minimizing errors due to the subjectivity of employees, and at the same time minimizing disputes in the process of contract performance by both parties.

    Compare the pros and cons of manual and automatic quotes

    Manual quote received from consultant

    Usually, to install the stage - the grandstand, customers tend to look for suppliers and receive quotes. This is especially time consuming during the search and waiting for a quote. At the same time, among countless quotes on the market, customers must choose the most suitable one

    Quotation for automatic installation of stage - grandstand

    This is an automatic quotation program implemented by Hoang Sa Viet company through the accumulation of more than 10 years of industry experience.


    • Customers have an overview of the stage - stands, different types of stages, multi-storey stands...
    • Know the cost to spend without contacting the consultant
    • The time to receive the quote is super fast, only after 30 seconds through the registered email address. Accuracy up to 99%
    • By pre-programmed intelligent algorithms, customers will receive a quote with at least 2 options, from which to choose the most suitable and feasible plan.

    Cons: Surely you will have many questions and concerns during the process of filling in the automatic quotation sheet. However, this is not too big of a drawback. Because after receiving the quotation results, you can contact the consultant to answer questions. And certainly, after having an overview from the quick quotation, you will have a better understanding of the equipment/services that Hoang Sa Viet provides.

    Understand the parameters in stage quotes and assemble stands (automatic)

    As one of the long-standing businesses operating in the event industry and event equipment. Based on the popular needs of customers in the market, Hoang Sa Viet company provides 3 types of stages for customers to choose from.

    Multi-storey assembly stage

    HSV uses aluminum alloy stage modules to assemble a stage system according to customers' requirements. Depending on the use requirements that customers choose, the stage can have 1, 2 or 3 different floors, ensuring it is suitable for the space, area, and number of attendees. Here are the parameters that customers need to pay attention to:

    • Stage width

    • Stage depth

    • Stage height

    • Flooring material: film-coated plywood, tempered glass, transparent poly sheet and transparent plexiglass.

    These parameters will help the system analyze and give a suitable quotation

    Dự án lắp đặt sân khấu tại Đồng Tháp
    Dự án lắp đặt sân khấu tại Đồng Tháp

    Multi-storey audience stage

    For the stage system, HSV also uses high-strength aluminum alloy material with advantages such as lightness, heat resistance and aesthetics. When using the price list, customers should pay attention to the following parameters:

    • Capacity

    • Horizontal

    • Height of the first step

    From there, the system will calculate and propose suitable solutions

    Sân khấu khán đài nhiều tầng
    Sân khấu khán đài nhiều tầng công ty Hoàng Sa Việt

    Specially designed art stage

    The art stage is considered the most special type of stage, with aesthetic and unique characteristics, and the characteristics of production, construction and installation are also unique. Therefore, for the event stage, we need to know the desired style and size of the customer to offer the most suitable solutions.

    Nhân sự thi công, lắp ráp sân khấu HTV
    Nhân sự thi công, lắp ráp sân khấu HTV
    Hoàn thành và chuẩn bị bàn giao sân khấu HTV
    Hoàn thành và chuẩn bị bàn giao sân khấu HTV

    Construction process - installation of stage and assembly stands at Hoang Sa Viet company

    ✔ Ground Survey

    After approving the automatic quotation for the stage - the stands, Hoang Sa Viet company will continue to survey the construction site and install the stage to come up with the final plan. At the same time, the quotation will be adjusted if costs arise or reduce.

    ✔ Contracting

    The price list is agreed upon by both parties when the contract is signed. The two parties sign the contract and comply with all the terms contained in the contract.

    ✔ Make a deposit

    Customers will make a deposit of 30-50% of the contract value depending on the case so that we can proceed with the next steps in the contract.

    ✔ Transportation, stage installation

    After receiving the deposit, Hoang Sa Viet company will continue to implement the project. Calculate, transport and install the stage at the installation site. At the same time, our company will send technicians to monitor every progress of the project and be responsible for the entire installation process.

    Dự án lắp đặt hệ thống âm thanh, ánh sáng, MHL, sân khấu Ngọc Hoa Trang
    Dự án lắp đặt hệ thống âm thanh, ánh sáng, màn hình LED, sân khấu Ngọc Hoa Trang

    ✔ Handover, acceptance and liquidation of contracts

    Hoang Sa Viet Company will hand over to customers after completing the installation of the stage. The customer conducts the acceptance test, liquidates the contract and pays the remaining costs to the company.

    ✔ Warranty and maintenance of assembly stage

    Hoang Sa Viet Company will carry out warranty and maintenance of the assembly stage if there are any errors detected during use. For more information, please contact Hotline: 0985.999.345
