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- Home Project Southwest Office Container House in Vinh Long
Office Container House in Vinh Long
- In Vinh Long: If you want to be our distributor, please contact the phone number below:
- Phone number: 0907.090.551
Company Specializing in Buying, Selling, Construction of Cheap Prefabricated Houses
Hoang Sa Viet is a unit specializing in the distribution, installation and construction of house products , prefab offices , container houses, grade 4 prefab houses and other related products. With a nationwide distribution system, products at Hoang Sa Viet always go directly from the factory or factory to the customer, so the quality of the products is always guaranteed and the price is always cheaper than other products. intermediary buying and selling units.

Prefabricated house
Prefabricated prefabricated houses are actually formed based on prefabricated houses (3mx6m or 4mx6m) assembled together into 2 or more floors with different total dimensions depending on the requirements of the customer. Far from the traditional model of building houses in a time-consuming and high-cost way, for the prefabricated model, it only takes about 15 to 20 days depending on the complexity of the house type or not. However, for houses that are required to be made from 2 floors or more, it will be necessary to reinforce the fixed frame and the lower foundation to ensure safety when using.

Improve Living Space With Smart Prefab House
To match the current income levels of Vietnamese people, we always innovate and provide a variety of housing products with different prices so that customers can easily upgrade their homes. , improve social life. The prefab house is a product that has all the functions of a traditional house, but the price is much cheaper, and the construction time of the prefab house is also very fast.
(Video of prefabricated house structure - Hoang Sa Viet)
Mobile Street Vendors Only From 3 million VND
You need a nice mobile vending car , a reputable, quality supplier and a place to sell streetcars at a cheap price . These are the basic elements for effective business and all are available at Hoang Sa Viet - The company provides street vendors, mobile vending carts.

Pre-assembled Container Office Only From 30 Million
Using container offices and prefabricated offices helps businesses and companies reduce construction costs, easily disassemble to many places, especially can be liquidated when no longer need to use.
Guard House, Mobile Security Post
The mobile security house helps businesses and companies increase their professionalism and is a place to shade from the sun and rain to create a modern and comfortable working space for the security guards of the company, warehouse, workshop, etc. factories,...etc. Help businesses and companies operate better, ensure more safety when equipped with mobile security houses.